Tiger’s marketing division conducts a thorough analysis of your current marketing plan including budgets, media sources, website, ecommerce, social media, digital efforts and creative to analyze your effectiveness and provide strategic recommendations. Tiger then designs a comprehensive advertising plan, budget and campaign, tailored to your business and market, implementing all creative and production throughout the event.

Tiger views the protection of your brand as our primary mandate when facilitating a high impact event. By diligently safeguarding your brand equity we assure a long-term relationship that prioritizes your business’ needs.

Whether we conduct a one-store or 2,500-store event, we use the same sophisticated data methodologies, dynamic targeted discounting, marketing and augmentation strategies. There is power in your data. Tiger will unlock it.

Tiger can also assist with the sale of non-inventory assets including fixtures, equipment and real estate.

Is it time to grow, reposition, retire or sell?

A simple call entails no risk to you and could very well be
one of the most positive actions you’ve taken for your business.

Bob Levy