Raising Capital Quickly

Even thriving retail operations must address under-performing merchandise and locations. Surplus inventory, demographic shifts and, above all, market volatility caused by the pandemic all challenge today’s jeweler. The current environment calls for raising capital in the cost-effective, powerful way possible.

Tiger Capital Group conducts high-impact events to help retailers raise immediate cash needed for growth, repositioning or other strategic paths. Every year we sell $3 billion of surplus/under-performing merchandise for retailers and appraise $30 billion in goods for the global lending community. Our 53-year history has given us the experience, analytical tools and merchants’ insight to maximize the collateral value of your current inventory.

  • TIGER EVENTS NEVER COST YOU MONEY. Incremental sale expenses are more than covered by increases in revenue. Our primary goal is to generate immediate capital for you through the quick sale of your original inventory plus a significant share of proceeds generated by complementary goods sold through the event.
  • EACH TRANSACTION IS TAILORED TO FULFILL YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS – from fee-based contracts predicated on success thresholds to those situations where we assume an equity position in your inventory guaranteeing a predetermined financial result.
  • TIGER DOES NOT OWN INVENTORIES. Many disposition firms flood events their own goods purchased from past liquidations – and focus most of their energy on selling these higher-profit (for the liquidator) items.

We augment events, at no cost to our clients, with hand-selected merchandise from our proprietary network of wholesaling/manufacturing partners to complement existing offerings. Our clients’ original inventory never takes a back seat in a Tiger event.

Why Tiger?

Why would Tiger, a firm known for managing events for names like Macy’s, Barney’s, Lord & Taylor and Helzberg want to partner with smaller jewelers?

Many of our senior executives began in the jewelry event industry. We know that the systems Tiger created for large chains bring the same historic results to one-store operations.

Nowhere is this more evident than in small jewelry operations that have earned trust and goodwill in the community.