The Dump consolidating Philly footprint

Will close one store and launch a new high-end concept in the other

PHILADELPHIA — The Dump, part of Top 100 Haynes Furniture, is liquidating one Philadelphia market store and selling off inventory at the other with plans to introduce a new concept in a single market store.

The off-price retailer will begin a store closing at its 89,000-square-foot Turnversville, N.J., location March 15, where it plans to liquidate about $12 million in inventory, according to a release. At the same time, it’s selling off $8 million in inventory at its East Drive stores in Oaks, Pa., where it plans to introduce the new concept.

New York-based Tiger Group is running the liquidation sale.The Dump, with nine other stores in major metro markets, typically opens to the public Fridays through Sundays, but for the sale, both Philly-area showrooms will be open seven days a week.

Haynes didn’t disclose the name or the timing of the new concept coming to Oaks, but in a release said it “will involve high-end brands at a lower margin structure, greater efficiencies and more salary-based positions to create a no-pressure customer experience.”

The Dump also was known for selling upper-end brands for low prices. Haynes did not immediately respond to questions from Furniture Today about the changes.

“With traditional retail in crisis, brands that wouldn’t partner with us before are doing so now,” E.J. Strelitz, president of Virgina Beach, Va.-based Haynes Furniture and The Dump division, said in a release. “We will be better equipped than ever to take advantage of opportunity buying for our customers, who are highly brand savvy.”

Strelitz called it “ironic” that the Philadelphia market, where The Dump began its expansion 16 years ago, “will now host the prototype store for the future with a single, disruptive location that offers compelling value worth driving for.”

He said the Turnersville lease is expiring, so it was an opportune time to consolidate, and that the retailer is working to find new positions for employees at the remaining location or elsewhere in the chain.

The Dump’s other store are located in metro Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix and in Hampton, Norfolk and Richmond, Va. They continue to operate as usual.