Melissa Van Nort

Managing Director,
Tiger Valuation Services

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Melissa Van Nort is based in Tiger’s Atlanta office, overseeing the company’s sales efforts in the southern and Texas markets. A well-known professional within the insolvency industry, Van Nort brings more than 15 years of brand marketing, corporate strategy and sales experience to Tiger.

Before joining Tiger, she was a Senior Vice President, Business Development at BMC Group, a leading global provider of financial, legal and corporate information management services for investment banks, private equity firms, government agencies and Fortune 1000 corporations. In that role, she worked extensively with companies in the restructuring industry.

From 2004 to 2010, she worked at WebMD, the online provider of health and medical information, most recently as National Director of Strategic Partnerships and Cause Marketing, where she focused on developing partnerships with major consumer packaged goods companies.

Prior to that, she served as Manager of Advertising Partnerships at IAC, Interactive Corp., a media and Internet company and as a Sales Development Assistant Manager at Fox News parent News Corp. Van Nort began her career with ESPN in 1998 as a Sales Planner/Analyst.

Van Nort earned a Bachelor of Science degree from West Virginia University and is a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute, the Association for Corporate Growth and its affiliated Women’s Committee. She is also a member of the Turnaround Management Association Atlanta, as well as a board member of the Secured Finance Network’s Atlanta Chapter.
