Blowing in the wind: Are plastic-bag bans the death knell for related M&E?

The global backlash against plastic bags — visible in the form of taxes and outright bans on grocery and merchandising bags made of blown-film plastic—threatens to undermine the recovery value of dedicated M&E in this sector. And it is worth noting that the production line equipment used to make these increasingly demonized products typically is no small investment: The latest versions of so-called bubble or […]

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Through the looking glass: Competition heats up for lenders and disposition firms alike

Secured lenders and disposition firms tend to see life through the same looking glass. After all, they both have their greatest success during volatile markets as a result of opportunities created by the downturns and upturns of the business cycle. Unfortunately, the data over the past 36 months tell a consistent story: The economy is as stable as it is flat.

According to Thomson Reuters LPC […]

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Pharma vs. Nutraceutical: Different Sectors, Different Needs

Experienced appraisers know to never value a piece of equipment as though it were in a vacuum, because understanding equipment use is at least as important as its specs when projecting realistic market recovery. The differing applications of like equipment as is used within the pharmaceutical or nutraceutical (nutritional and herbal supplements) sectors are a case in point.

Previously, Tiger liquidated the assets of Creation’s Garden, […]

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C-Stores’ High Turns Can Be Inconvenient For Lenders

The typical convenience store or travel center buzzes with life amid a steady influx of customers. These businesses blanket the country — with an estimated 150,000 c-stores and 1,230 travel plazas and truck stops. While they charge higher prices than supermarkets, they make up for this by having more convenient locations, shorter cashier lines and longer hours.

But customers aren’t the only frequent visitors: Vendors, too, […]

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