ABF Journal’s 2021 Top Women in Asset-Based Lending Profile Spotlight

Gail Glave, Managing Director

Gail Glave, Managing Director, Field Financial Operations, Tiger Capital Group


Managing Director, Field Financial Operations
Tiger Capital Group

Gail Glave believes in the power of being trustworthy and if there’s one thing that is always honest, it’s data. Perhaps that’s why Glave, a managing director of field financial operations at Tiger Capital Group, is so skilled at not only gathering data but breaking it down to glean important insights.

“I guess that’s kind of my niche. I love the data analysis part,” Glave says. “That’s probably what helped me most of all — the idea of producing data that was trustworthy and generating opinions on that data that made sense.”

Although Glave is now an expert on parsing through the data related to asset-based lending transactions, she took a rather circuitous route to get into the industry. Prior to joining Nassi Group (which later became Tiger), Glave worked in the retail industry. When her employer was forced to liquidate, she worked with the company performing the sale, ultimately turning that experience into a new career path.

“I started working with liquidation firms … and before that, believe me, I didn’t know ABL from ABC,” Glave says. “So, from then on, [I] basically became a sponge to learn everything I could about the business.”

Glave has now been in the industry for more than 20 years and during that time has seen the industry change dramatically. As it has, she’s kept up the pace and risen within Tiger to take on more decision-making responsibilities.

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“The role that I have now, I believe gives me a little more voice into the types of deals that we may put together or in the analytics of those deals,” Glave says, noting that rapid advances in analytics software will continue to give her better access to more data, allowing her to help Tiger and its clients make even better decisions.



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