Retail Dispositions

Assets Sold in 2019
Store-Level Professionals
+ Years of Disposition Leadership
Even thriving retail operations must address under-performing merchandise and locations. Four-wall unprofitability, lease expirations and the divestiture of concepts all challenge the enterprise value of a retail business. As merchants who have run the day-to-day operations of large chains, Tiger’s retail professionals are uniquely qualified to tailor disposition programs to address individual situations.
When called upon, we will guarantee a predetermined financial result while leveraging our $200 million Revolving Credit Facility to facilitate operations. We roll up our sleeves and extract every dollar from an asset disposition by purging surplus inventory through innovative sales techniques and emerging technologies – including online sales and social media.
Tiger leverages a 40 year history in the disposition of assets on behalf of our strategic partners. We are merchants, day-to-day operators, marketers, and financial and legal experts all focused on maximizing asset recoveries. Our history, expertise, and knowledge uniquely qualify us to tailor disposition programs specific to individual situations, rather than attempting to impose generic models which may be unsuitable to achieving our partners’ goals.
Tiger sells-through over $1 billion of surplus or under-performing assets annually (over 5 billion in 2018 alone) – most notably within the context of corporate restructurings, mergers, acquisitions, turnarounds, downsizings, and divestitures. Our asset knowledge covers all categories of consumer goods.
Why Tiger?

Tiger combines a rich, retail history and innovative mindset in addressing the complexities of dispositions Read more >

Brand Protection

Above all else, our job is to vigilantly safeguard, and even enhance, our partners’ brand and reputation Read More >

Advisory Services

Turnaround professionals look to Tiger to effectively convert underperforming assets into working capital Read More >

Leveraging real-world, on-the-ground expertise

Tiger’s unmatched, store-level experience allows us to bring smart sale solutions to any company facing challenges or simply looking to turn unwanted or underperforming assets into quick cash. Our integrated team of 200+ Field Merchants stand ready to deliver intelligent and inventive solutions to your business at a moment’s notice.
The venerable department store chain Loehmann’s was experiencing financial difficulties. Their secured lender was reducing advance rates and imposing additional reserves, thereby restricting borrowing availability. As Tiger had historically conducted the appraisals on Loehmann’s, we were called in to assess the company’s situation. Working with a new senior lender, we put together a new $50 million credit facility. Because of the distressed nature of the situation the lender had to stretch the advance rates to provide adequate availability to meet working capital needs and to help effectuate management’s turnaround plan. Read More >