Tiger Capital Group, LLC Provides Operating Capital To TTP, LLC

NEW YORK, July 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Tiger Capital Group, LLC today announced an agreement to provide special project financing for a high-volume program focused on refurbishing and reselling all of the display and returned televisions of one of the nation’s largest brick and mortar retailers. The recipient of the capital infusion—TTP, LLC—is a subsidiary of Wood Dale, Ill.-based Hyper Microsystems, a privately owned specialist in reverse logistics.

“In addition to providing asset appraisal and disposition services to a broad range of industrial and consumer products clients, Tiger is always looking to leverage its substantial capital resources to forge new partnerships,” said Bob DeAngelis, Tiger Capital Group Executive Managing Director. “Hyper Microsystems’ low-volatility retail program processes a substantial volume of refurbished consumer electronics annually. It has a solid return profile and is a nice strategic fit for our firm.”

The partnership is timely given national retailers’ growing need for informed and sophisticated approaches to the sale of display goods and returned merchandise, said Hyper Microsystems founder Gregory Yurovsky. “The top chains are no longer content to auction returned merchandise and unboxed shelf display products,” he explained. “Increasingly, they are looking for high-bandwidth specialists who know the industry inside and out, and are well-capitalized. This is precisely why we at Hyper Microsystems are so pleased to embark on this partnership with Tiger Capital Group.”

“Any time a consumer purchases a corded product and later brings it back for a return, a retailer cannot simply put that product back on the sales floor. High-ticket items such as televisions are subjected to a refurbishing program in which they are tested, verified, repackaged and assigned a new UPC code,” explained Andrew Babcock, Tiger Capital Group’s Director of Transition Advisory Services. “These items, as well as unboxed shelf displays, tend to retain excellent aftermarket value. We appreciate Hyper Microsystems’ broad experience in running efficient processes in this space. We know this because we have worked with the company for years in both the acquisition and disposition of wholesale products.”

The partnership illustrates Tiger’s ability to provide strategic infusions of capital to a broad range of businesses under the correct circumstances, noted DeAngelis. “In a given year, Tiger appraises and monetizes over $30 billion in assets across the globe,” he said. “Our knowledge of the true, bottom-line value of assets enables us to commit capital, through both debt financings and equity investments, to a wide range of industries and businesses.”