
Asset Intelligent

Tiger Group provides asset valuation, advisory, disposition and financial services to a broad range of financial, retail, wholesale, and industrial clients. With over 40 years of experience and significant financial backing, Tiger offers a uniquely nimble combination of expertise, innovation and financial resources to drive results.

Our accomplished professionals help clients identify the underlying value of assets, monitor asset risk factors and, when needed, provide capital or convert assets to capital quickly and decisively. Our collaborative, straight-forward approach is the foundation for our many long-term ‘partner’ relationships and decades of success.





Relentlessly Focused on Maximizing Value
Everything that we do is grounded in our unmatched asset intelligence.

We conduct the most accurate asset appraisals based on the results of our disposition practice. We achieve the highest net recoveries on dispositions because we approach projects with a merchant banker’s mindset. We are innovative investors because of our powerful valuation infrastructure.

advice-iconRegardless of asset class, Tiger brings an uncompromising focus on accuracy to every appraisal product. Our
disciplined approach combines a deep understanding of collateral values with the complexities and costs associated with exit strategies – should an orderly wind down become warranted.

By converting over $1 billion of surplus or underperforming assets annually, we maintain a proprietary database of the true, underlying recovery value of assets based on actual results. This dynamic tool, coupled with our talent, ensures the most accurate appraisal available to ABLs, investors and business owners. [more …]

retail-iconWhether selling-through underperforming inventories, exiting unwanted locations or simply repositioning a business for profitability, Tiger assures the maximum recovery on the cost dollar while diligently protecting our retail partners’ brand equity.

We have spearheaded many of the largest, retail disposition projects in history … and with good reason. By having Tiger maximize the conversion of troubled retail assets, our partners are then allowed to focus on their operations’ more profitable formats, locations and goods. [more …]

auctions-iconBuyers and Sellers have come to rely on Tiger’s auction events for our transparent process of establishing fair market value for assets while providing both excellent buying opportunities and effective seller results. We craft comprehensive sale plans in which geography, economic profile, buying trends, asset volume and depth, and timing considerations are all factored.

Competitive bid sale strategies include live, webcast, online, and sealed bid auctions. [more…]

capitalize-iconThe intelligence gained through our appraisal practice, coupled with our operational know how, often allows us to find hidden value in businesses in distressed situations. As a result, Tiger offers debt financing in a secondary position in which we take the risk on the ‘stretch’ – here defined as the difference between the value of collateralized assets against which traditional lenders are willing to lend and Tiger’s view of those assets’ additional, underlying value. Tiger’s debt offerings typically take the form of junior secured tranche B or mezzanine transactions. Additionally, we risk our own capital in equity investments, typically in partnership with private equity and investment banking interests. [more…]

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